Knowing how to care for your leather tote bags is important because they can become easily damaged if not cleaned properly or at all. First and foremost, it is essential to know what type of leather your bag is made from...
Deciding on the best leather bag to accessorize with your wardrobe can be challenging with so many fabulous leather bags for women available. It really is about personal choice when you are referring to style. Regardless, there are a few tips that you can follow to ensure that your leather bag is the perfect accessory for most of your outfits.
Florence, or Firenze, in Italian, is hardly undiscovered territory . The Tuscan capital is the crown jewel of Renaissance cities: human in scope and scale, it boasts well-preserved architecture and invaluable art at every turn.
It is a common enough saying that for women, their handbags are an extension of their selves. For a member of the fair sex, her handbag, in terms of importance, will be right up there along with her accessories, such as, jewelry, scarves or necklaces. In fact, more often than not, a woman will be more careful about her choice of handbags than almost any other accessory.
Fine leather briefcases are fruits of high and much revered craftsmanship and accordingly, they rank among the most cherished and beloved possessions of their owners. Learn how to care of your briefcase.
Floto Parma Edition Leather is a premium Italian calfskin that has been tumbled with our special chestnut extracts and natural tanning oils. The result is a soft, natural leather that will get better as it ages - each bag takes on a unique look and darkens like a saddle over time.
All orders are shipped from our warehouse in Easton, PA.
U.S. Shipping Policy
We offer Free standard shipping on U.S. orders over $149. Orders ship within 1-2 business days. You have 60 days to return your item for any reason. U.S. return shipping labels cost $8.50. It's easy to print return labels at
Call Us
Phone operators are available 7 days a week - from 8 a.m. to 12 midnight EST to answer any questions along the way. You can call 1-800-276-2717
Monogram Shipping:
Please add 3-4 days to transit time for monogramming.
Domestic Shipping:
Most orders ship within 1-2 business days.
Standard Shipping averages 1-2 business days in the Northeast, 3 days to the MidWest and up to 5 days to destinations on the West Coast.
Global Shipping:
UPS - 4-5 days on average.
Canada - UPS - 3-4 days on average.
Duties and Taxes - you are responsible for duties and taxes that may be imposed by your country + any fees charged by DHL/ UPS / USPS to clear your parcel in customs. If you are shipping abroad please consider this in your purchase decision.
If a Floto leather bag, wallet, or accessory is out of stock you can Pre-Order or request a In Stock Reminder update. You can find the expected arrival date of the shipment at the Help Desk home page
Return Instructions:
Within 60 days of receipt you can visit print a return UPS label and send it back to us for any reason. While the shipping label is free for U.S. orders placed on, there is a restocking fee of $8.50 for returns. The Easy Returns system only works for U.S. orders placed on, for International orders, return shipping is the customer responsibility. You can use any carrier you choose, but we strongly recommend that you get some form of tracking and hold onto it until your return has been received and refund confirmed.
Floto Monogram Return Policy – once you personalize a Floto leather bag, it’s yours and you cannot return it for remorse, however, it is still covered under warranty.
Exchange Instructions:
If you would like to exchange for the same bag or different color please visit initiate the exchange and print a return label. Our system will automatically generate a new order that will ship when the return is in transit back to us.
If you would like to exchange for a different style please visit print a return label. You can choose to Refund the original order or receive a Store Credit to place a new order for the desired item.
Thank You! Grazie!
Drop Us A Line
We’re happy to answer any questions you have or provide you with an estimate. Just send us a message in the form below with any questions you may have.
Thanks for contacting us. We'll get back to you as soon as possible.